November Networking Mixer @ Coal Creek Meals on Wheels
Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM MST
Tuesday, November 29, 5-7 pm
455 North Burlington Dr.
455 N. Burlington Avenue, east on Baseline, north on Burlington Dr.
FREE if you register online by November 23
$5.00 for spouse/significant other if not part of business
$10.00 at the door
$15.00 for non-members/guests
Contact Information
Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, 303-666-9555
Send Email
November Networking Mixer @ Coal Cree...
COAL CREEK MEALS ON WHEELS - 50th Anniversary Celebration
455 N. Burlington Dr., Lafayette
455 N. Burlington Dr., Lafayette
November 29, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
RSVP by November 23
RSVP by November 23
Please join your fellow Chamber members from the
Superior, Erie, Louisville, and Chambers
for a celebratory ribbon cutting to celebrate this
monumental event. Coal Creek Meals on Wheels
delivers daily hot, nutritional meals to seniors and the
homebound in the community, helping them to live
with dignity. Each day, CCMOW’s services empower
hundreds of local residents who are living in Lafayette,
Louisville, Erie, and Superior to eat healthy, live
independently, and age in place.